Contact Us
- Primary Production Office - (205) 253-9810
The many projects we’ve been so blessed to work on has been mind blowing for our entire staff. From filming in the jungles of Colombia to the Great Wall of China and seemingly every location in between.
We have been shooting long enough to have a very outdated demo reel from 2014. We are slated to cut a new show reel together sometime during the first quarter of 2035..
We’ve got nearly every professional format imaginable in house and we can ALWAYS source a specific format and delivery spec when needed.
What is the scope of your project? What budgeting parameters are you operating within? How long will the footage be in circulation? Are you trying to match it with footage from other shoots? What is the delivery medium? What is post needing to conform to their post production pipeline?
Sony FX9
THE BROADCAST INDUSTRY STANDARD. A beautiful image and built like a tank to withstand even the harshest of production environments.
FULL FRAME Sensor (UHD/DCI/HD Recording)
The bread and butter of the broadcast industry.
From beginning, through the middle, all the way to the end. Gorgeous.
From NFL films to the latest Bond franchise masterpiece. This camera is suitable to meet a vast array of production specs of the highest caliber. From Run and gun documentary to the seven figure commercial, this is the camera of choice among the worlds leading cinematographers.
There's a near magic to the image that can't be expressed in words that comes out of this camera that is simply mind blowing. -Doug Davis (DP)
From features to the highest end commercials the Red Cinema line has something that can’t be found in other cameras. With RED’s proprietary RED code Raw the dynamic range of this camera is in a class all its own. From the impromptu shot in the bright sun with deep shadows this camera can properly resolve all of it in a resolution that is rivaled only by the highest end still camera.
When everything in the field is unexpected you can count on and rely on the FS7 to deliver. The FS7 has positioned its in the marketplace as a swiss army knife of film making. With versatile frame rates (180fps @ 1080), a robust internal recording codec, a 4K sensor and internal 4K recording, this camera has many situations covered on the fly at the last minute. The operational ergonomics are that of a professional camera but in the form factor and weight of a DSLR.
Great things come in small packages. Like the Zaxcom Nomad 12.. Really Great things..
The Sound Devices 664 / 788 have become staples in the Reality and commercial production industry. These versatile mixers are incredibly well suited for a myriad of applications. When quality counts you can always count on Sound Devices to under promise and over deliver time and time again.